So what news have I to tell you so far? What can I write that would equal a best selling author? Whats new thats happening to us out here is Afghan?

These are the same questions I’m asking myself.

We seem to have been sucked into the Camp Bastion Triangle for the past few days, just waiting to find a way out of this groundhog series of events that each morning brings us.

So the story so far is that we all arrived safely into Camp Bastion, we all completed our in theatre training and vehicle crew courses and then managed to break into a few days of administration and a spot of enjoying the 32 degrees of heat and sun in order to top up the forthcoming suntans. A soldier is never happy without a good suntan.

The suntans have now been put on hold as Camp Bastion has been covered in what started as a sand storm and has now turned into its own version of the UK’s weather. Temperatures have dropped, the sun has disappeared and the rain is now firmly turning dust to sticky mud that likes to cling to everything and I mean everything.

We are now at a point where we are all leaving to our different destinations, so with friends spread around, we all now get on with our jobs in hand (whatever that brings?) and the unknown of the future, I know before I stated that when I arrived back into Afghanistan it was “the same smell just a different year” which is true, but in fact it is in reality a different WAR from what many of us have experienced before.

My buzz word is Transition, a word that is used in almost every sentence, something that is moving along at a faced pace and if you was to blink, your being left behind. Transition is the Afghan Security Forces (ANSF) taking control of security from the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) with which the UK belongs apart of.

So the WAR we all remember is now in the past, the road to transition is fast paced and our job being apart of that will be a challenge in itself, it will bring its own twists and turns, fortunes and rewards and i’m sure a few encounters with the Taliban.

So in the meantime, I will as always continue to capture the events on image, capture the emotions of each of us, capture the twist and turns each day brings over our 6 months at WAR, sorry TRANSITION.

Regards Project Afghan.


About robgrimesphotography

Experienced and enthusiastic, I have a real passion for photography that I have gained over the years and that shines through in my pictures and my portfolio. I specialise in capturing those spontaneous moments that we otherwise could lose, either at your wedding or on a relaxed family shoot of your choice. I am always happy to talk about photography, so if you think I might be the right person to take your photographs then give me a ring to discuss your pictures, they are yours after all. Also a full time serving soldier in the Infantry in the British Army, but soon to be leaving the forces after Project Afghan finishes.
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  1. Annie says:

    Thank you for your service, and thank you for helping me to understand exactly what my boyfriend is dealing with at the same time. He arrived in Bastion about 7 days ago. He is an American Marine but I know that you are all human together that I feel almost closer to him through your thoughts.

  2. Gina Mead says:

    I am really enjoying the blogs it is telling the real story our lads are involved in, i look forward to the pictures to come , hoping as everyone will , i get a glimpse of my son x

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